Saturday 22 December 2012

Being a nurse.

Being a nurse isn’t about grades. It’s about being who we are. NO book can teach you how to cry with a patient, NO class can teach you how to tell a family that their parents have died or are dying. NO professor can teach you how to find dignity in giving someone a bed bath. A nurse is NOT about the pills, the IV’s and the charting. It’s about being able to LOVE people when they are at their WEAKEST moments and being able to forgive them for ALL their wrongs and make a difference in their lives today. No one can make you a nurse...YOU JUST ARE :)

Monday 15 October 2012

Saturday 15 September 2012

Been too long.

I left this page for the longest time ever. Been busy Anyway syukur alhamdulillah, I received a call from HR saying that I got the job as a staff nurse at SGH. Will start working on November. And Im gonna have my one month of rest before I offically start my work.

Moving on, this years Ramadhan and Syawal has been by far the most meaningful one for me. I'll let the pictures do the talking :)

Monday 5 March 2012

3 years ❤

This was taken during our last day in school. This girls have been with me throughout my 3 years course in nursing. We had our good and bad times working together as a group for our presentations. Nonetheless, Im glad I met them in my poly life ;)

Sunday 26 February 2012

24 February 2012..

24 February 2012 marks the end of my 3 months journey in Ward 74. The first time I stepped into the ward, I remember asking myself this question: "Can I do it?" Truth to be told, I was just like any other third year nursing student. I was scared, nervous and anxious. Honestly I didn't know what to expect and I thought I'd never make it through.

But alhamdulillah with the help of my preceptor and colleagues I was able to make it to the finishing line.Overall, it was a good experience I must say. Gonna miss working with all the friendly staffs and nice sisters. And of course how could I possibly forget this awesome bunch of prcp mates? Definitely gonna miss them. Wish you guys all the best in your nursing career 

Now, I can finally look back, smile and said, "I SURVIVED!"

Sunday 19 February 2012

Saturday 18 February 2012

Long bus ride.

"I love that moment when you're listening to music on a long bus ride. And you're completely zone out. You forget your troubles and everyone around you. You're content and everything seems so peaceful."

Time flies

So I decided to use blogger again cause something went wrong with my Onsugar account. God knows what happen to it. I can't change the theme, everything is just so confusing. So here I am writing my first post here.

Im left with 4 more days of prcp. Just 4 MORE DAYS! Can you believe it? Time flies. Totally can't wait to go back to school and meet my classmates on 24th Feb. Miss them already. And hell yeah, I can't wait to rock that graduation gown! :D