Sunday 26 February 2012

24 February 2012..

24 February 2012 marks the end of my 3 months journey in Ward 74. The first time I stepped into the ward, I remember asking myself this question: "Can I do it?" Truth to be told, I was just like any other third year nursing student. I was scared, nervous and anxious. Honestly I didn't know what to expect and I thought I'd never make it through.

But alhamdulillah with the help of my preceptor and colleagues I was able to make it to the finishing line.Overall, it was a good experience I must say. Gonna miss working with all the friendly staffs and nice sisters. And of course how could I possibly forget this awesome bunch of prcp mates? Definitely gonna miss them. Wish you guys all the best in your nursing career 

Now, I can finally look back, smile and said, "I SURVIVED!"

Sunday 19 February 2012

Saturday 18 February 2012

Long bus ride.

"I love that moment when you're listening to music on a long bus ride. And you're completely zone out. You forget your troubles and everyone around you. You're content and everything seems so peaceful."

Time flies

So I decided to use blogger again cause something went wrong with my Onsugar account. God knows what happen to it. I can't change the theme, everything is just so confusing. So here I am writing my first post here.

Im left with 4 more days of prcp. Just 4 MORE DAYS! Can you believe it? Time flies. Totally can't wait to go back to school and meet my classmates on 24th Feb. Miss them already. And hell yeah, I can't wait to rock that graduation gown! :D