Tuesday 14 January 2014


"Never leave the person who understands you more than anyone else. Someone who you can talk to about everything and will stand next to you despite all your flaws.Treasure the one that accept and love every bit of you.."

Monday 13 January 2014


I'll be leaving for KL next week. A part of me feels excited yet a part of me doesn't want to leave.I'll definitely miss everyone right here.

Monday 6 January 2014

My better half

So today, I decided to tell the whole world how I met this amazing stranger who said hi to me on Facebook exactly 217 days ago.Look at the first conversation we had. Too formal don't you think so? :D

We talked on Facebook for quite some time before we eventually went out for our first date on 15/June/2013.The butterflies, that tachycardia I get when I saw him standing outside ION. Unforgettable moment. We had lunch, bought our durian Mcflurry (we both love durian) sat down and talked, went to watch Pee Mak and we headed back home. It was a simple yet a memorable date :)

Subsequently, we went out for our second date. We went to watch WWZ. (We both love zombies!) There's just something about this guy and his ability to make me laugh and feel comfortable whenever Im around him.

We text, alot. Sent each other good morning and good night messages. At that point of time, I remembered myself being so happy.I was always smiling. And then it was nurses day. I was on morning shift that day when my colleague told me that there was flowers waiting for me outside the nursing counter. My first ever bouquet of roses from him. God knows how speechless and grateful I was at  that point of time.The happiest nurse on earth for sure :)

How he surprised me with a box of durian puff while I was on the way to work for my last round of night shift. How he came late at night, waited for me under my void deck, bought porridge for me when he knows Im down with fever. The little things he did touches my heart. How he's willing to put in so much effort for me.

How he took  time and effort to draw a digital art portrait of me. I think it looks amazing :D

How he set aside time to fetch me from work and surprise me every now and then with my favourite chocolate. How he's always there for me whenever I need him. His attempt to cheer me up whenever Im having a bad day at work. My listening ear, my shoulder to cry on :)

18/September/2013. Ice cream date, that walk about in orchard, sunset at Keppel Bay and that long bus ride back home. A day to remember because it brought us together. Yes together. I had a great day and he made it even better <3

This place witnessed us getting together, how we had our very first fight and how we eventually made it up to each other. Keppel Bay, our mini Paris <3

I fell in love with this guy. No doubt, he stole my heart :p

We were both busy with work, family and friends. But despite all that, we make time for each other. We make it a point to meet and we had fun no matter how simple the date was. (Eg: Movie marathon on his laptop) Because at the end of the day, I don't need expensive stuff or luxurious restaurants to make me happy. I need someone who's always there even when the whole world's walking out. And I found him :)

Our very first photo together. We look silly. But hey, who cares? :D

How we still took the time to write handwritten notes to each other.

How he make it point to come all the way to Woodlands just to have dinner with me.

How we both love to go to beautiful places like this and enjoy each other's company :)

How he surprised me with my first ever Pandora bracelet on my 21st.

His handmade roses with 21 handwritten notes attached to it :)

Probably the only man in this world who thinks that I still look pretty when I just woke up from sleep without any make up on. The only man who tells me Im beautiful even with pimple on my nose, dark ring and eyebag.

The only man who can handle me at my worst and he sure as hell deserves me at my best. 

This guy right here, is my better half. You are turning 25 tomorrow baby. Happy birthday. May Allah bless you with health, lots of love and all the best for ur future endeavour. Here's to many more years to come. Insyaallah. Nobody said it was going to be easy but we'll go through this journey together. Lets work together for a better future. Both you and me. 

Because the only place I'd rather be is right next to you. They said every relationship has its problems but what makes it perfect is if you still want to be together even when things go wrong. Thank you for loving me, for all the things you do, for all the time and the effort. I found someone who knows all my flaws, my mistakes and my weaknesses and still thinks Im amazing. I won't trade this with anything else :)

I love you Shafie Bin Suhaime. Not now, not yesterday, but forever insyaallah. 
From, the best girlfriend you ever had. Hehe!